My Lesson Plans

Every time I approach a lesson plan I ask myself, ‘how can I showcase my own ability and the abilities of my students to be and think creatively?’ Combining my love for literature, art, film, crafts, and so much more had become a personal style of teaching for me, and I hope that one day a student of mine will look back on me and remember me as a fun and creative teacher always pushing the boundaries of what can be considered art; because if I’m being honest, art is everything. We are living art, and like beauty, creativity is in the eye of the beholder.

For this PE lesson plan I wrote in EDPE 3100, I challenged myself to think creatively about physical education. I loved PE as a child–I loved getting out into the sun and running around and having a good time, but sometimes I struggled with the same repetitive soccer or basketball games. For this lesson plan, I have combined my love for Harry Potter with physical education, and included not only my own version of the rules of Quidditch, but how they can be adapted to suit any age range or situation.

This lesson plan is an example of my own favourite way to tackle Language Arts in the classroom. I chose to structure the lesson around one of my favourite childhood novels, Charlotte’s Web. Once the novel has been completed (either read individually or as a class) students are asked to chose a character to break down as a character study that they will then showcase to the rest of the class.